People like to jokingly say how something nerdy or “cheesy” is “the most power metal thing ever”, but this album is quite literally that, if the album art didn’t give that away straight away, it is the most nerdy, epic, and awesome thing ever, with video game references, plenty of talk about space, and the odd song about fast cars. Hello everyone, I’m donut, and I’m here to give you guys a completely “U N B I A S E D” review of the brand new album from power metal legends, Dragonforce, titled, “Extreme Power Metal”.other than the title being very self aware and all, it also tells you exactly what this album is all about, with everything you could ever hope for in dragonforce music, soaring vocal performances from vocalist Marc Hudson, epic guitar solos from the duo of Sam Totman and Herman Li, and let’s not forget the breakneck speed drumming from Gee Anzalone which always maintain a strong intensity throughout most songs, besides one, which is a relatively slow song, but also still an amazing song.